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Tango Addicts New Year's Resolutions (That I Actually Intend to Keep)

As I stand at the crossroads of the old and new year, my Tango addiction prompts me to reflect on the beautiful moments and the challenges that come with this dance. The sense of belonging, the happiness in an embrace, and the pride in improvement are the fabric of my Tango journey. Yet, amidst the highs and lows, doubts, and crises, I find myself yearning for a change. This year, my Tango New Year's resolutions are not just goals; they're promises to myself—commitments born from the heart.

Here's a thoughtful list of Tango New Year's resolutions that you can genuinely commit to and keep.

  1. Make Self a Priority: Tango's emotional demands have taken me on a rollercoaster of highs and lows. This year, it's time to find a healthier tango-life balance. I'll take breaks when needed, explore new hobbies, ensure enough sleep, and perhaps find an alternative to those inevitable bubbles.

  2. Choose My Tango Events Wisely: Events have become more than just gatherings; they're a significant part of my Tango journey. This year, I vow to be even more selective, opting for events with the right music, surrounded by friends, and featuring maestros worth learning from. It's about quality over quantity.

  3. Give Sincere Compliments: I often admire those I share a tanda with or others on the dancefloor, but I usually kept it to myself. Good vibes and positivity recieved from others have kept me going, so it's time to pay it back. I'll express gratitude for great tandas, acknowledge hard work and improvement, and celebrate those who inspire me. While it's not natural for my culture to express compliments, practice makes perfect!

  4. Attend Local Milongas More: Local milongas have been somewhat neglected lately, perhaps due to my own struggles. But this year, it's time for a fresh start. These events are organised by passionate individuals who pour soul and tears into them. If I don't feel like dancing, I'll enjoy the music and connect with fellow addicts.

  5. Think More Positively and Stop Complaining: I've been known to whine a lot, and I'm tired of it. This year, I'm making a promise to myself (and others) to think constructively. Complaining only perpetuates negativity, and I'm ready to break that cycle.

  6. Make and Review My Tango Notes: My tango notebook is filled with insights from classes, but I've been neglecting the reviews. This year, I'll commit to revisiting these notes, ensuring that each lesson contributes to my growth.

  7. Daily Foot Exercises: Ten to fifteen minutes a day— that's all it takes to transform ones balance and body control. Thanks to YouTube's ballet foot exercises and the guidance of an amazing Maestra, I'll come back to this habit that proved its worth during the pandemic.

  8. Compare Less, Appreciate More: Envy has sometimes tainted my passion. This year, I'll celebrate the talent around me and let others' successes inspire me. The only comparison (and competition) is with yesterday's self.

  9. Research Tango History and Culture: I want to connect with something bigger than myself. This year, I'll delve into the history and culture of Tango, unraveling the stories of the great Milongueros and discovering the roots of our dance community.

  10. Keep Writing for This Blog: I feel a burning desire to share my experiences and knowledge. This blog is my outlet, my contribution to the Tango conversation. In 2024, I'll continue to share, connect, and dance my heart out.

These resolutions are not just a checklist; I hope they will guide me, and perhaps inspire you dear reader, towards a more balanced, positive, and fulfilling Tango experience.

Here's to growth, joy, and a deeper connection with yourself.

Happy dancing, and may 2024 be a year of personal and passionate Tango revelations!

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